Tuesday, July 14, 2015

U-28 Monster

Diventart user's concept of the U-28 monster
During a typical U-Boat mission in WW1, the German U-boat U-28 torpedoed the British frigate Iberian, the U-boat crew saw an unbelievable sight. During the explosion, the crew (including the Captain) described a 65 foot crocodile like creature fly 80 feet in the air. Allegedly before the crew could take a photo of the beast, it quickly sank back into the depths. Although sightings of such a creature is very rarely reported, U-Boat captains have been known to be reliable in their accounts. Tragically, most of the crew that sighted the creature have been killed in the war. Most cryptozoologists suggest that the creature could have been a Mosasaur or a Pliosaur...both classes of marine predators that resemble crocodiles that have been apparently extinct since the time of the dinosaurs. Sadly, the truth about the creature may be forever lost to man in the depths of the ocean.