The Russian Conquest of Siberia is a highly complex "event", which covers conflicts between the Russians and thousands of local Tribes on one of the most largest and remote regions on Earth. I will cover some of the earliest events. So when the Russian Cossacks under the "conquistador" Yermek were went to territory controlled by a Mongol Empire Remanent kingdom called the Khanate of Sibir to search for furs. The Sibir Khanate was controlled by the Tartars, but as you can see in the painting above, the Khanate was made up of dozens of tribal groups unrelated to the Tartars like the Mansi, Khanty, Nenets, and other tribes. The event is often compared to the more famous Conqusidor conquest of the Americas. As similar to the famous Conquistador conquest of the Aztecs, were a very small army of explorers (the Cossacks had only 800 men) manged to defeat a much larger kingdom. Like the Conquistadors, the Cossacks manged to defeat the much larger Sibir army. Unfortunately for the Cossacks, like the Conquistadors (the Conquistadors lost half of their army to the Aztecs in the "Sad Night"), the Cossacks suffered defeats with extremely heavy losses including the loss of their leader Yermak (this where the Cossacks and the Conquistadors differ is the Conquistador's leader survives the disastrous defeat, while with the Cossacks leader doesn't).
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