Friday, March 6, 2015

Haitian Coup of 2004

Haitian president Jean-Bertand Aristide, after the nasty military coups in the 90s against him, disbanded the Haitian military. Aristide replaced the military with a less powerful police force. He also relied on street gangs to silence political dissident. One prominent gang called Cannibal Army had its leader assassinated. His eyes were shot out, along with his heart cut out with a machete. His brother swears revenge against Aristide, which was the suspected perpetrator of his murder. Members of Cannibal Army, along with remnants of the old military formed a rebel group called the National Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Haiti. The Rebels quickly conquered several key roads and towns. Soon the capital was in Rebel hands. Aristide was forced into exile to South Africa. Aristide claimed that he was abducted by the Americans. The American government denied all of Aristide's allegations. I have had difficulty finding an accurate death toll (reliable sources on this matter are tragically very rare). Here are photos of Hatian Rebels below.

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